It's time for a proper introduction

Who, what, and why now?

Over the last few weeks, you have begun receiving a newsletter called HospicePass. You’re on the list because we have done business in the past, in some capacity. Most likely because the company I had been working for, was providing DME to your patients and families.

Each edition embeds a story of an individual experiencing their end-of-life journey.

Each edition introduces you to something special - - - an idea, a product, a service, the possibility of making someone’s hospice experience exceptional.


Who is HospicePass?

It’s so much easier having a face to put with a name.

To be clear, I am not a medical professional. However, I am more passionate about bringing people together than you will ever know. My view on death, end-of-life, normalizing these conversations, and what happens when we pass on - may be unique - but ultimately we all face the same demise so we may as well talk about it.

There may be some who believe not having previous “DME or Hospice” experience limits capabilities, but I know that the intent to provide exceptional service to both hospice providers, as well as the patients and families they serve, trumps all.

That’s why our closest hospice comrades continue to reach out daily, in search of……..products, services, technology, an ear to bend, and more. Do you have a patient that needs O2 Christmas evening and you can’t get a hold of your provider? I’m your guy and will always make it happen.

I’ve been fortunate enough to sell the medical uniforms you and your staff wear daily. There’s a decade of securing off-site records management, and data protection, educating clients on the importance of and assisting them in maintaining compliance with the regulatory bodies they report to. I’ve sold insurance, HR platforms, and have been entrenched in the technology and SaaS space for years. I have been the Director of Business Development and Marketing for a DME provider and a non-emergency medical transport company (funny how those two are critical components to the success of a hospice).

What is HospicePass?

Today HospicePass is a free newsletter that is simply planting seeds across the industry. At some point, HospicePass will turn into a paid membership. You’ll have to pay a nominal, annual fee to have access to the community.

You have your hands full as a hospice provider. Business development, administration, building physician relationships for referrals, transportation, DME, staffing, pharmaceuticals, supplies, social workers, volunteers, billing and reimbursements, Recordkeeping, state agencies, compliance, and regulatory requirements. The list goes on and you have to be at your best all of the time.

Providing phenomenal care is the mission, but you need people directing traffic and coordinating all of the efforts. Reimbursement dollars need to be managed accordingly to maintain a strong business.

Step outside of the box for a moment and you find all kinds of products and services that can enhance the experience for your patients and their families.

Your hospice is witness to and overhears conversations among family members. You hear secrets, regrets, and wishes. You’re in the middle of it all during the most frightening and stressful time for a family. Emotions are running rampant.

HospicePass is for you, your staff, your patients, your families. We’re building a community that is reimagining what hospice is all about.

"In many hospice cases, there is still time to provide one final, most importantly, exceptional experience as we assist in making this time as glorious as possible."

Exceptional Experience. Glorious.

End-of-life should be glorious and one experience can make it all exceptional.

That’s what HospicePass does. Simple introductions to products and services that can assist. For instance:

  • Partnerships: Introduce new partners that can provide an experience.

  • Technology: Streamline operations. We find it, test it, and make the connection. Need training we can do that too.

  • Marketing: How do you separate your hospice from the rest? White labeling marketing materials, and bringing new ideas to the table earn you additional referrals. We can help.

  • Expense Reduction: We’re building a collective community to drive your expenses down. Insurance, benefits, human resources, DME, supplies.

  • Revenue Generation: There are ways to increase revenue outside of Medicare reimbursements. We’ll show you how.

  • Community: There is power in numbers. There are phenomenal organizations and associations already. We will partner with them to increase the power of the community and the messaging.

  • Hospice Advisory Committee: We’re not doing this solo. Do you want to be included? Think you have the stamina to brainstorm and influence the industry? Email me at [email protected] to be considered for a spot on the Advisory Committee.

Why now?

Forgive me - hospice, as an industry is fragmented, a bit archaic, and no one seems to be putting it all together. Don’t get me wrong, the purpose is to provide exceptional healthcare service. To do that the coordination that needs to take place has to be spot on. If not, referring physicians will move to the next hospice in the future.

For example:

  • You get a call and a patient is referred to your hospice.

  • Stipulation is the patient needs to be discharged in the next 3 hours. Hospitals are businesses and they need to turn the bed over asap.

  • You need to schedule transportation - multiple phone calls.

  • You need to schedule DME delivery - online, phone calls, confirmations, and more calls to confirm that it will arrive before the patient.

  • Staffing - where are your people and who can take the case?

  • Patient needs O2 and you need a Respiratory Therapist. Is that your contact or a DME contact?

  • Supplies - what will the patient need in addition to what is provided?

  • Medication - that has to be ordered and delivered in time.

  • You get a call that the discharge has been delayed due to a staff change.

  • Have to contact transport for they’ll need to wait. That’s $. Now it’s after hours. More $.

  • DME left a voicemail at the wrong person’s number to let you know they don’t have the bed rails you requested.

  • CMS reached out and there’s an upcoming audit coming your way.

  • Shoot - need to call the RT to reschedule for a later time.

  • Receive a call that one of your current patients passed last evening.

  • A physician you’ve been reaching out to for months has called and would like to discuss a new referral.

That’s all before 10 am. Sound familiar? And this is every day, M-F, 24 hours a day. It can be chaotic. Oh, and you have to manage the business, cash flow, reimbursements, forecasting CAPs, payroll, etc., etc.

Why HospicePass? We are your eyes and ears in the industry. We are seeking the best in class for products and services.

Technology and how it can be integrated to create one place to manage all of your patient needs.

New products, in the form of DME, HME, or items that you can provide and possibly create a new revenue stream for your hospice.

Telemedicine - it exists and it works and we have those relationships to make the introduction.

Your Staff needs to be pampered. We have contacts for scrubs and the equipment they use daily. You may as well offer discounted pricing or we can help enhance your hospice brand.

Marketing - you think this newsletter is silly? There are examples of these silly newsletters that are driving business. Do you have an email list of physicians that could potentially drive referrals? Put that list to work and we can help you do that. Donuts, sandwiches, pens, and pamphlets only go so far.

This is only the beginning. We’re currently building the foundation for this community. We are already negotiating and have signed contracts with dozens of vendors that want to speak with you.

We find new companies every day that can and will make your life easier, more productive, and more efficient.

Why now? Because the planets have aligned accordingly and the stars are brighter than normal. The time is right now!

The frequency of this newsletter will increase. We urge you to follow HospicePass on LinkedIn for daily posts.

We politely ask you to forward this to your staff so they can subscribe to the newsletter. The more people on your team that have access, the better the opportunity to learn something new. You’re doing payroll and trying to figure out why Medicare has reimbursed you on time.

Hospice Advisory Committee: spots are limited to 12 at the moment. There’s no cost involved. Simply the best and brightest in the hospice space. Quarterly meetings to discuss challenges, review products and services, and influence the industry. Email me at [email protected] if you may be interested to discuss this further.

Until the next time…………


or to participate.